It's been quite awhile since the last blog post. Here's a look at what I've been up to!
Work Life-
It's a good thing I like remodels because I have been working on quite a few lately!
Uintah Overlook, Skyline House, and Windemere House are all complete. All of them amazing before and afters! There are a few more in the pipe line:
Huntsville Pool House is coming a long nicely. As soon as it's not full on winter up there we will get started on the Huntsville primary bath addition. (I am super excited to see this space transform!)

The design at Mutton Hallow House is also well underway. This one is sure to be a stunner.
Daybreak House is so close to completion I can almost taste it! We will hopefully be getting the finishing touches done next week. I'm excited to share this projects amazing library with you all.
Mean while over at Oak House the hallway has been completed! Woo hoo!! It turned out so great. It just goes to show you, you should always trust your designer instincts. I had so many people questioning me on this one. And it still may note be your cup of tea. But I absolutely LOVE it! I feel like I'm in the hallway of a funky boutique hotel every time I walk to my bedroom.
The coffee bar is so close to being finished! Everything gets done around here one weekend at a time. So hopefully just a couple more weekends and we will have a completed coffee bar. It's going to be so good though. I love bold statement the black makes.
The basement at Oak House is set up "Foreman Style" at the moment. (No finished floor and no finished walls. Like the Eric Foreman's basement from That 70's Show). We have a tv set up down there, and a new curved sectional, and some framing. Even though it's not fully finished it's functional for now, and has be fun to have a new more relaxed hangout spot for our family. It's perfect for movies because of how dark the basement is. We are also working on adding a full bathroom and a powder bathroom to the basement. Not a lot of pretty progress to look at yet but, necessary progress. Oh and just wait for the the powder bathroom...I have some big plans for the smallest room in my house. I am beyond excited for the finishes going in this bathroom!
Home Life-
Jackson received his Big Boy Room for Christmas. I was so excited for him to see what Josh and I had been working on for months. I thought for sure he was going to jump up and down or be pretty vocal "woo hoo" type of a thing. But he was first distracted with the giant bow I had put on his door. Once he walked in he was very stoic, and " whoa, this is my big boy room. Cool." He was much more excited to show all his grandparents he new room than he was to actually receive it. He LOVES it now. We even had some left over wall paper to put on the back of Neon Leons enclosure. If your'e not sure who that is, it's Jackson's pet chameleon he got for his birthday.

We are all starting to get spring fever in our house and are ready to get some more work done in the yard. We have some big plans this summer. The main goal is to get Jackson's tree house built. Or what he refers to as his "Tree Top". Jackson's vision and our vision are a bit different to say the least. He would like a hot wheels track that can start at his tree top and go over his house and down his driveway. He would also like 2 types of slides, a swing and a door he can paint. I think he'll be happy if we give him most the things on his list. Josh and I have planned out a mid-mod house with a deck and some netting spanning a few of our trees. I think once all is said and done, Jackson will approve.
Book- I am currently reading Forever Amber. I decided I should read it because I recently found out it was my Grandmas favorite book. I was not expecting it to be so BIG! I was a little surprised when I received it in the mail. But so far so good.
TV- Josh and I just finished watching both seasons of The Bear. It was pretty good! Every episode is pretty chaotic though. It really makes me never want to be in the restaurant industry that's for sure. We have also been rewatching That 70's Show in our basement. Because like I said earlier we decided we are going to live "Foreman Style" down there for a while.
Drink- Anything from Kafe Mercantile. This is a local coffee shop right by my house. Conveniently located on the rout to Jacksons school. If you are a northern Utah local I would highly recommend stopping by. They have 2 locations. One in Ogden and one in South Ogden.
Style- I am still really loving all the dark tones. I am also really loving this whole retro revival. It's so my style! The funky colors, curved lines and bold prints, are just well fun.
Side note I am also FOR SURE planning on adding this MCM outdoor fire pit to the yard. I mean how could I not? The only question is what color?